@extends('admin.layouts.master') @section('title','Create a new course') @section('maincontent') @include('admin.layouts.topbar',$data)
@if ($errors->any())
@foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
{{ $error }}
{{ __('Add Course') }}
{{ __('Back') }}
{{ csrf_field() }}
{{ __('Category') }}:
{{ __('SelectanOption') }}
@foreach($category as $cate)
{{ __('SubCategory') }}:
{{ __('ChildCategory') }}:
{{ __('Instructor') }}
@if(Auth::user()->role == 'admin')
{{Auth::user()->fname}} {{Auth::user()->lname}}
@foreach($users as $user)
{{$user->fname}} {{$user->lname}}
@endforeach @else
{{ __("Also In Categories :") }}
@foreach($category as $category)
id,old('other_cats')) ? "selected" : "" }} value="{{ $category->id }}">{{ $category->title }}
{{ __("If in list primary category is also present then it will auto remove from this after create product.") }}
{{ __('Language') }}:
@php $languages = App\CourseLanguage::all(); @endphp @foreach($languages as $caat)
language_id == $caat->id ? 'selected' : "" }} value="{{ $caat->id }}">{{ $caat->name }}
@php $ref_policy = App\RefundPolicy::all(); @endphp
{{ __('Select Refund Policy') }}
{{ __('SelectanOption') }}
@foreach($ref_policy as $ref)
{{ $ref->name }}
@if(Auth::User()->role == "admin")
{{ __('Institute') }}:
@php $institute = App\Institute::where('status' ,'1')->get(); @endphp
{{ __('SelectanOption') }}
@foreach($institute as $inst)
{{ $inst->title }}
@endif @if(Auth::User()->role == "instructor")
{{ __('Institute') }}:
@php $institute = App\Institute::where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->where('status' ,'1')->get(); @endphp
{{ __('SelectanOption') }}
@foreach($institute as $inst)
{{ $inst->title }}
{{ __('Course Name') }}:
{{ __('Slug') }}:
{{ __('Short Detail') }}:
{{ (old('short_detail')) }}
{{ __('Requirements') }}:
{{ (old('requirement')) }}
{{ __('Detail') }}:
{{ (old('detail')) }}
{{ __('Country') }}:
@foreach($countries as $country)
{{ $country->name }}
({{ __('Select those countries where you want to block course.')}} )
@if(Auth::User()->role == "admin")
{{ __('Label') }}:
{{ __('Select an Option') }}
{{ __('Trending') }}
{{ __('On-sale') }}
{{ __('Best Seller') }}
{{ __('Beginner') }}
{{ __('Intermediate') }}
{{ __('Expert') }}
{{ __('Course Tags') }}:
{{ __('Return Available') }}
{{ __('Select an Option') }}
{{ __('Return Available') }}
{{ __('Return Not Available') }}
{{ __('Paid') }}:
{{ __('Price') }}:
{{ __('Discounted Price') }}:
{{ __('Money Back') }}:
--}} {{--
{{ __('Days') }}:
@if(Auth::User()->role == "admin")
{{ __('Featured') }}:
--}} @endif
@if(Auth::User()->role == "admin")
{{ __('Status') }}:
--}} @endif
{{ __('Involvement Request') }}:
{{ __('Preview Video') }}:
{{ __('Upload Video') }}:
{{ __('URL') }}:
{{ __('Duration') }}:
{{ __('If enabled duration can be in months') }},
{{ __('when Disabled duration can be in days') }}.
{{ __('Course Expire Duration') }}
@if(Auth::user()->role == 'instructor')
{{ __('Preview Image') }}:
{{ __('Upload') }}
{{ __('Choose file') }}
@endif @if(Auth::user()->role == 'admin')
{{ __('Image') }}:
{{ __('Browse') }}
@if(Auth::User()->role == "admin")
{{ __('Instructor Revenue') }} %:
{{ __('Assignment') }}:
{{ __('Appointment') }}:
{{ __('Certificate Enable') }}:
{{ __('Drip Content') }}:
{{ __('Reset') }}
{{ __('Create') }}
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection