@extends('admin.layouts.master') @section('title','Edit Bundle') @section('maincontent') @include('admin.layouts.topbar',$data)
{{ __('Edit Bundle') }}
{{ __('Back') }}
{{ csrf_field() }} {{ method_field('PUT') }}
{{ __('Bundle Name') }}:
{{ __('Select Course') }}:
@foreach ($courses as $cat) @if ($cat->status == 1)
id, $cor['course_id'] ?: []) ? 'selected' : '' }}> {{ $cat->title }}
@endif @endforeach
{{ __('Image') }}:
{{ __('Upload') }}
{{ __('Choose file') }}
@if ($cor['preview_image'] !== null && $cor['preview_image'] !== '')
{{ __('Recommended Size') }} (1375 x 409px)
{{ __('Short Detail') }}:
{{ $cor->short_detail }}
{{ __('Subscription') }}:
is_subscription_enabled ? 'checked' : '' }} />
@php $selectedPeriod =$cor->billing_interval; @endphp
{{ __('Billing Period') }}
{{ __('Daily') }}
{{ __('Weekly') }}
{{ __('Monthly') }}
{{ __('Yearly') }}
{{ __('Subscription bundle works with only stripe payment gateway.') }} .
{{ __('Enable it only when you have setup stripe') }} .
{{ __('Paid') }}:
type == '1' ? 'checked' : '' }} />
$cor->type =='0']) id="doabox">
{{ __('Price') }}:
type == '1' ? 'required' : '' }} type="number" min="1" class="form-control" name="price" id="exampleInputPassword1" placeholder="{{ __('Enter') }} {{ __('Price') }}" value="{{ $cor->price }}">
{{ __('Discounted Price') }}:
{{ __('Expire Duration') }}:
duration_type == "m" ? 'checked' : '' }} />
$cor->duration_type == "d"]) id="duration">
{{ __('Bundle Expire Duration') }}
@if (Auth::User()->role == 'admin')
{{ __('Featured') }}:
featured == 1 ? 'checked' : '' }} /> @endif
@if (Auth::User()->role == 'admin')
{{ __('Status') }}:
status == 1 ? 'checked' : '' }} /> @endif
{{ __('Detail') }}:
{!! $cor->detail !!}
{{ __('Reset') }}
{{ __('Update') }}
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection